This blog is dedicated to nurturing LifeGroups at Golf Course Road Church of Christ. Welcome to the dialogue.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

LifeGroup Story

The story was submitted by Alecia Nault:

This Sunday a girl walked into our class. As we began to talk to her we learned that she had a very interesting story and was reaching out to us for love. She accompanied several of us to lunch and the first thing she told us was that she was left alone with 3 strange guys last night and it really freaked her out so she left and hasn't answered her phone since. Odd disclosure, since we didn't even know her last name. As the conversation went on, we learned that she moved here 3 years ago from Dallas with her boyfriend (they've been living together for 4 years now) and she finally kicked him out this past week...apparently he goes into fits of rage and throws things.... So now she is alone, and you can just tell by looking at her that she is empty, and she knows it. She said she's been to GCR several times, and when she comes she always sits right in front of Ronnie, around the 4th row. She is bold and very interesting to talk to. When we were all talking about placing membership, she asked if there was a fee. So apparently she isn't afraid to sit near the front, even though she has little concept of our traditions (which is very rare, since most newcomers hang out near the back). She was very interested in returning to class next week and attending our small group (she must have had to work though because she didn't show). God really placed her into our grasp for a reason and my class is excited about encouraging her. We need the knowledge to minister to her. We think she needs friends, so tonight another girl and I are going to buy her a card and maybe flowers, and take them to her at work, just to show her that we aren't going to forget about her. We are so excited to recognize so clearly that God wants us to take action on this. He is really working on us and the fact that we can hear him makes me smile boldly. We can make a difference!

Well, tonight our delivery was a success. We went to her work and took her a card and some oriental lilies with a gorgeous vase and took them in there. She was working and could hardly hold back the tears when she realized that the stuff was for her. Praise God for working through us and teaching us to be bold. I am so proud to be one of his instruments--it keeps a perpetual smile on my face.


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