This blog is dedicated to nurturing LifeGroups at Golf Course Road Church of Christ. Welcome to the dialogue.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Resolutions. We all make them, we all break them. I submit to you that this year we try something a little different, how about setting goals? Goals are attainable and easier to reach.
We resolve to exercise more. How about getting on our knees more? That would be a great way to exercise and our goal would be to communicate with our Father on a regular basis.
We resolve to eat better. How about feeding on His Word? A good steady diet of reading and studying the Bible will change us little-by-little and day-by-day.
We resolve to take better care of ourselves. How about fasting some this year? A 24 hour fast will bring us to a place where we will hear God's voice and know His will.

This past year the Woman's Ministry Leadership team set a goal for our women to be on our knees and in the Word. That goal should be for everyone. So, how about it? What goals will you set for yourself and your family? What about setting goals for your LifeGroup? Are you willing to go to a deeper level with your group? Are you willing to be trained as a future LifeGroup Leader?
What can God help you to do so you can reach your first goal? He is waiting to hear from you.