This blog is dedicated to nurturing LifeGroups at Golf Course Road Church of Christ. Welcome to the dialogue.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Resolutions. We all make them, we all break them. I submit to you that this year we try something a little different, how about setting goals? Goals are attainable and easier to reach.
We resolve to exercise more. How about getting on our knees more? That would be a great way to exercise and our goal would be to communicate with our Father on a regular basis.
We resolve to eat better. How about feeding on His Word? A good steady diet of reading and studying the Bible will change us little-by-little and day-by-day.
We resolve to take better care of ourselves. How about fasting some this year? A 24 hour fast will bring us to a place where we will hear God's voice and know His will.

This past year the Woman's Ministry Leadership team set a goal for our women to be on our knees and in the Word. That goal should be for everyone. So, how about it? What goals will you set for yourself and your family? What about setting goals for your LifeGroup? Are you willing to go to a deeper level with your group? Are you willing to be trained as a future LifeGroup Leader?
What can God help you to do so you can reach your first goal? He is waiting to hear from you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Blessings

Our LifeGroup adopted a family this Christmas. Our LG Leader found out about this woman and her three boys (8, 4 and 6 mos) from a friend. We went shopping, wrapped gifts, collected money and bought gift cards, and we also got a box of Christmas food from GCR. This was all delivered to her apartment one evening by four from our group. If I received no gifts this Christmas, it would not matter because I already have a most precious gift; the delight and suprise of this family. Following is an e-mail Karen received from the friend and I am honored to share it with you.
My prayer is that each of you find this type of blessing this Christmas.
Love to all of you

Please pass this on to the wonderful people in your church.

I took my two kids to school this morning and when I came home I had a few messages from Tamara. She asked me to call her, another message said, "Please call I HAVE to tell you something."

When I called her she said," You will not believe how GOD has blessed me". She was crying while we talked. She said that these sweet, sweet people came by her apartment last night and brought her and her children CHRISTMAS. She went into detail the things that were given to her. She said that this was something she wanted to do someday for someone else. I told her that her time would come and just to give GOD the glory and sometimes it is OUR time to receive. GOD wants to give and bless as much as he wants us to give and bless others. She agreed. She said that her oldest, was getting ready for bed and just smiled and said over and over, "We are so blessed, we are so blessed." Isn't that wonderful? Out of the mouth of babes. Tamara said that they all went to bed with these big goofy grins on their faces. That makes me smile. I offer my thanks and pray that GOD blesses each and everyone in a way only He can for the extreme kindness bestowed on someone I call my friend. She cried over and over, sweet, happy tears and may I say... I did too.
I told Karen the need of this sweet lady and she ran with it. Thank you Karen.
Thank you. Thank you all.
May the love and peace of Christ be with all of you this Christmas season and always.
Much love,

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Small Group Blessing Meal

Remember that we will not be meeting together on Wednesday evenings for the next few weeks. Perhaps your small group would like to share a Blessing Meal together on that night. Here is a suggestion for a Blessing Meal:

Opening Prayer The oldest (or leader) will read a scripture and lead a prayer.

Blessing those in attendance The oldest (or leader) will begin by talking about the person to their left. Everyone else should then add some value or quality they see in that person.

Your group may want to go back around the table and have each one share what scripture or biblical principle has been especially meaningful.

Enjoy your time together!

Suggestions for LG's for November and December

Use this time to continue to work on outreach projects.

*Adopt a child or family, perhaps with serval other groups (we have some single families right here at GCR that could use some love and attention)
*Visit some nursing homes or assisted living facilities, do some caroling or take some throws for some of the residents.
*Help serve a meal at one of the community outreach facilities

Other ways to use these few weeks is for your group to spend time together.
*Have a Friday night dinner
*Go to the movie together
*Have a game night.
*Have a Thanksgiving meal together (a good way to use your leftovers)
*A Christmas get together (a mug exchange or ornament exchange)
*Invite some Prime Timers to dinner
*Invite one of our single families to a meal

It is difficult to do anything too structured during the holidays. At the end of December there will be a resource list available to LG's; be watching for that. If you have any questions or want to discuss or share other options, feel free to call me.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

God is Working in Andrews

Story submitted by Jackie Thatcher

One of our projects is to revamp the house of an elderly widow here inAndrews. The windows leak air real bad and it is in need of a total makeover on the outside, just to make it a little more airtight beforewinter hits. We are replacing most if not all of the windows, and replacing the asbestos shingles with siding for starters. I am not sure what all we are going to do after that, but our first priority is to get it ready for winter. The widow's name is Maria and the way we met her is really unique.

Two years ago, our life group took on several families to provide help for their Christmas. One of the families was a single mom by the name of Paula Montoya. Bob and Ruth Sears, Toni Franks and Margaret Porter chose toprovide Christmas help for this mom and her two children. Well, Christmas came and went and none of us had followed up on our families, but apparently God had some different things in mind because Toni began to have Paula on her heart and mentioned to Ruth that they should get in contact with her. They began praying for Paula and shared their intentions with our Lifegroup.

Within a couple of weeks after Toni began praying for Paula, Ruth received a letter from Paula. She asked that if there was anyway possible, could they help her family with Christmas again this year. Basically, without their help, her kids would not have a Christmas at all. As it turned out, Paula had tried to make some fast money and it landed her in jail. This left her mother to take care of her two little children. Not only did this family take care of their needs for Christmas, they checked on them often, making sure the kids had birthday presents etc. Then they brought her to the attention of our lifegroup. We began to write Paula while she was in jail and pray for her that God would do a work in her heart. When she got out of jail, the Sears' gave her a job and the lifegroup began to show her God's love.

When we started our "Better Together" campaign, we invited Paula to come and she did. It is so exciting to watch her grow in her relationship and dependency on God. We had our first work day at Paula's mom's house last Saturday and had a wonderful turnout. Not only that, but Paula's boyfriend was there helping and then he came to our lifegroup Sunday night. You just never know when, how or what God will use to bring people to him.

40-Days of Community Host TIPS – Week 6: Worshiping Together

Congratulations! We are entering the home stretch of our 40 Days of Community campaign! Isn’t it wonderful to be used by God in this milestone event in the history of our church? We will never be the same. The testimonies of God’s impact in and through our 40 Days groups are both energizing and humbling as we reflect on how God is using us to love and care for each other and those in our community.

"TIPS for Hosts" - Week 6

· that each of your group members will understand the place of giving in their life
· that each group member would look for ways to continue reaching out to the community with the love of Jesus Christ.
· about continuing with the group after your 40 Days of Community participation is completed.

· This week's session focuses on the purpose of worship – Worshiping Together. Today’s session focuses on developing the habit of generosity. In the Bible the word "Believe" is used 272 times; "Pray" is used 371 times; "Love" is used 714 times; but "Give" is used 2,161 times. Why? Because God is a giver, and when we give we are most like God.
· In the Connect section there are three suggested discussion points. Briefly discuss your group’s ministry plans and next steps. Take some time to share what you are learning through the devotional readings or an answer to prayer. There is also an icebreaker question to introduce the topic of giving.
· The Serving section this week it is suggested that your small group take a few minutes to thank and affirm you for your leadership in the group as the host. This may feel awkward but please allow them this moment. It is so important for people to be given the opportunity to affirm and to be affirmed. You might thank particular people in the group who have shared ownership with you – your prayer coordinator, outreach project coordinator, and ministry project coordinator.
· Leave adequate time to address the two discussion points in the Worship section. Give each person in your group the opportunity to share the most important lesson they have learned through 40 Days of Community. Then finish in prayer.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

40 Days of Community Host TIPS for Week Five

"TIPS for Hosts" - Week 5
…that each of your group members will be available to serve another in love.
…that each group member would find a place of ministry within your small group or our church.
…about continuing with the group after their 40 Days of Community participation is completed.
This week's session focuses on the purpose of ministry - Serving Together. You will have the opportunity to explore specific ways in which you can serve others as a small group.
We know that stepping out to serve others may be new to some of the group members. By serving together as a small group with others who may have had this experience in the past we can overcome the discomfort it may bring. Even if no one has had a serving experience in your group, it is comforting to do something together.
In the Connect section there are three suggested discussion points. Briefly discuss your outreach project progress and what is left to be done. You may want to discuss details outside of the usual group time in order to spend more time on this weeks Growing and Serving sessions.
The Serving section this week focuses on what your group can do to serve together. There are no bounds to what your group members may come up with in this time. There may even be needs right in your own group! We are here to carry one another’s burdens and what a blessing it would be to serve in this way.
In the Worship section there is an optional song. Encourage your group to worship in song together. Ask someone familiar with the song to lead out and all of you join in.
[Explain your Ministry Fair].
“Busyness” is a very common objection to serving one another. Discuss in your group how priorities could be arranged in order to have more time to serve others.
Remember that serving others may be new to some in your group and just a small step in that direction may be enough for them to get started!
You might want to ask someone in your group who has a heart for serving to be your ministry coordinator. They can bring opportunities to the attention of the group for consideration.
Remember to pray for any needs within the group and be available to those who may need support from the group at this time.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Caught a Glimpse of Heaven

Submitted by Jackie Thatcher:

I caught a glimpse of heaven. The focus of our group in Andrews for quite some time has been to “bind up the injured” and bring healing to many Christian hearts that have been hurt for one reason or another; some offended, some rejected, some just ignored. While making many attempts at this, most were met without success until the beginning of “Better Together”. God in His timing has begun to repair relationships that have been fractured for more than 20 years. He has brought in people whose spirits have been crushed and gave them a safe place to belong.

From the very first night, it has been like a family reunion, outrageous laughter and joy, and also our share of tears. We have bonded and found our community in Jesus again. Each week, we have had someone show up that has not been there the week before and instantly they belong.

The simplest things, like going to a couple’s house where the man has Alzheimer’s and singing hymns or visiting with an elderly sister who is mostly homebound have not only blessed them, but amazingly so, blessed and bonded our group even more.

I don’t know what God has planned for us here but we are off to a great start. We covet your prayers for wisdom and guidance, and that this will continue way past the “40 days”.

LifeGroup Story

The story was submitted by Alecia Nault:

This Sunday a girl walked into our class. As we began to talk to her we learned that she had a very interesting story and was reaching out to us for love. She accompanied several of us to lunch and the first thing she told us was that she was left alone with 3 strange guys last night and it really freaked her out so she left and hasn't answered her phone since. Odd disclosure, since we didn't even know her last name. As the conversation went on, we learned that she moved here 3 years ago from Dallas with her boyfriend (they've been living together for 4 years now) and she finally kicked him out this past week...apparently he goes into fits of rage and throws things.... So now she is alone, and you can just tell by looking at her that she is empty, and she knows it. She said she's been to GCR several times, and when she comes she always sits right in front of Ronnie, around the 4th row. She is bold and very interesting to talk to. When we were all talking about placing membership, she asked if there was a fee. So apparently she isn't afraid to sit near the front, even though she has little concept of our traditions (which is very rare, since most newcomers hang out near the back). She was very interested in returning to class next week and attending our small group (she must have had to work though because she didn't show). God really placed her into our grasp for a reason and my class is excited about encouraging her. We need the knowledge to minister to her. We think she needs friends, so tonight another girl and I are going to buy her a card and maybe flowers, and take them to her at work, just to show her that we aren't going to forget about her. We are so excited to recognize so clearly that God wants us to take action on this. He is really working on us and the fact that we can hear him makes me smile boldly. We can make a difference!

Well, tonight our delivery was a success. We went to her work and took her a card and some oriental lilies with a gorgeous vase and took them in there. She was working and could hardly hold back the tears when she realized that the stuff was for her. Praise God for working through us and teaching us to be bold. I am so proud to be one of his instruments--it keeps a perpetual smile on my face.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

40 Days of Community Host TIPS for Week Four

“Tips for Hosts” – Week 4

…for each member of your group by name before you meet and ask God to use tonight’s lesson on PATIENCE, SPEAKING TRUTH IN LOVE, and FORGIVENESS to touch that person in a special way.
…for the courage to share honestly from your own life
…for a spiritual “breakthrough” for those people who do not believe in Christ.
…for the small groups engaging in ministry and the interactions they will be having with their neighbors in need.

· Listen to Tod's “Help for Hosts” for Week Four. You will be encouraged personally as the host as well as receive some specific insights on how to lead this session more effectively.
· This week’s session focuses on the purpose of discipleship - Growing Together. In the “Connect” section make sure that you include question two which asks about what group members might be learning or experiencing through reading the “Better Together” devotional.
· The “Worship Together” section this week encourages each member to identify and connect with someone based on Ronnie's lesson. Be sure not to skip over this section or rush through it. This section is the APPLICATION that will lead to TRANSFORMATION of the lives of the members of the group if they follow through.

· [Give update on your project, explain current needs]

· Include people who missed this week’s meeting in your prayer time and ask if someone would be willing to call them to tell them they were missed, fill them in, and let them know that they will look forward to seeing them next week.
· If your group has NOT participated in the missions project BUT WANTS TO GET INVOLVED, ask for a volunteer to sign up your group.
· The end of 40 Days of Community is only four weeks away. Is your group continuing? We hope it is. If you are planning on continuing, there will some options available for you to study. More information will be provided in the coming weeks.