GCR 101
I went to GCR 101 for the first time yesterday. Tim Baugh does a great job describing the church to people checking us out. We wanted to try something new so we offered an opportunity for that group to begin a new group. I got no takers, but we did get more interest in joining groups. Danny and Amanda Carrigan and Kimmee Brandon and Lee Ann were with me. I don't think we have hit on the right way to help new people move into a LifeGroup, but we are working in the right direction.
I keep wrestling with this question: How do we nurture an environment where people experience the genuine life of Jesus Christ in a community of people who are intent on being Jesus followers? I am not completely satisfied with any of the programmed answers. I don't believe the answer lies in greater organization (though I think we ought to work hard at this). I do believe that there is an answer that demands the genuine activity of God before it actually works or results in fruit. We can't do it without him. Can we do something with him? How?
What are your thoughts about using GCR101? Is it a good start with new members? Is there time to talk about LG's? Are they too new to absorb the importance of belonging to a LG?
December 14, 2004 at 8:56 AM
I think there is potential to use 101 as one of the entry points for LifeGroups. I don't know if someone needs a profound introduction, we just need them to try it. I think that if we start 101 by letting them know that at the end of the two class sessions there will be an opportunity to participate in a short (6 weeks) small group experience.
I think we need a leader for the new group who will get things started. It won't necessarily mean a long term commitment on the part of the leader. If we can just get people to commit to each other for a short time, I think we will see new groups formed that are sustainable.
December 14, 2004 at 11:59 AM
Is it a good idea to put the 101 participants together, even for a short time? They are so varied in maritial status, age and interests. Perhaps they would be more inclined to stay with a group that is a better fit.
December 14, 2004 at 12:57 PM
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December 14, 2004 at 2:12 PM
I don't disagree that people who are in the same life-stage or life situation would be more likely to fit. But there are two things to consider: there are wonderful examples of people who "click" even though they wouldn't appear to. God sometimes divinely orchestrates connections we wouldn't otherwise make. Adn second, I think these people are in a common life situation. They are usually new to Midland or at least new to GCR. That gives them as much a connection as most people find when they join a group.
December 14, 2004 at 2:12 PM
I think that's a great idea. I have wanted a LifeGroup testimonial video for a while now, but I wanted to be able to use it more than once. This could be a great place to use a really well done testimonial video.
December 14, 2004 at 4:13 PM
Danny, well said. Placing new members together is counter-productive to the LG experience. They need to be in an established group to experience the ambiance of LG's, to see them in action and to get to know different members.
December 15, 2004 at 8:00 AM
I really believe that asking a 101 class, all new people and new to GCR, to be together in a group, will not work. Too many reasons. They should be encouraged to join a group and info made available to them about LG's. The decision is theirs, we can not force them, we can not place them. If we do a good job of explaining about LG's, then they will make that decision on their own. If we start mandating that each 101 be a group, then people will quit coming. Kimmee is right, they need to make their own decision.
December 15, 2004 at 1:07 PM
You may be right. It might not work for all new people to be gathered together as a group. I wouldn't have thought of it except for reading about it from a couple of other churches who have found that these kinds of new groups are more likely to work with new people. I don't know if it will work in our context.
December 15, 2004 at 1:39 PM
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