40 Days of Praying - Day 19
LifeGroups: Pray for our LifeGroups and for the ministry each will do this year. Pray for new groups and new leaders in this vital ministry.
Acts 9:31 Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.
Acts 19:20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.
Acts 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.
Today I want to focus on the growth of LifeGroups. There are many ways to think about growing--growing deeper, growing stronger, growing more committed, growing more knowledgeable--but one legitimate way to think about growing is growing the number of people who are connected with a LifeGroup. It's not the only important growth. It's not even the most important growth. (For instance, I think we need to grow and it's more important to grow in the ways listed above.) But it is an indicator of the health and vitality of the ministry. Healthy churches and movements grow. They just do. It is a part of the cycle of life that God designed into all living things--including the living body of Christ.
Right now we have 904 adults enrolled in a LifeGroup. Of those, approximately half attend their lifegroup on any given night. That number is more than half of our adult (out of high school) members. We are asking questions right now about why so many GCR members aren't in a LifeGroup and how we can help them get connected. (Go Kimmee and the matchmaking team!!!)
It might surprise you that when we started looking at this a couple of months ago only 23% of new members find their way into a LifeGroup within the first 90 days of membership. That number hurts me. If they don't find a way into a group within 90 days they usually find their way out the back door. We have improved to approximately 30%, but we have a long way to go here.
We need new groups for new people. Established groups can grow, but it is much easier for new people to join a new group when everybody is starting at the same point. So we need new groups and new leaders.
One thing has grown in my heart recently. We need more women helping us lead this ministry. We need women who are actively involved in helping shape where we go next. We need them as LifeGroup leaders and Coaches. I don't know how we will get there, but we need their valuable contribution.
So pray for the LifeGroup ministry today. Pray for growth--all kinds of growth. But don't leave out growing in numbers.
O God, you designed every living thing to grow. So we ask you to help us grow. Help us reach and include more precious people. Help us add groups and make ways for new members to come into our lives. Show us strategies and methods for helping people. Make us evangelistic and servant hearted. But mostly help us live so that our life together brings glory to you and honor to Jesus. Send your Spirit on us and make us grow. For Jesus' sake, Amen.
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