This blog is dedicated to nurturing LifeGroups at Golf Course Road Church of Christ. Welcome to the dialogue.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Counting Down

We are beginning the countdown to the Better Together Campaign Kick-off. Everyone should be excited.
As we have people sign up to be a HOST, they are receiving e-mail instructions. If you have not signed up because you are still thinking and praying about it, here are those instructions.
You will receive a list of individuals not connected to a LifeGroup, so you can begin inviting some of those people. You will also receive a blue HOST badge to wear EVERY Sunday so people will know who to visit with about a group. And lastly you will receive a form to list your group and turn in so a roster can be created for you.
As always, if you have a question or need to visit with someone about being a HOST, any of the Small Groups Team will be happy to help you.
Stop by the CommUNITY Center table to pick up anything you do not have, and to just visit, we love talking with you.
One more thing you can do is to pray. We desire God's presense and blessings. Thank you for your care, concern and participation. You will be richly blessed.
your servant,


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