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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

40 Days of Praying - Day 2

Day 2- The New Vision Statement: GCR exists to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ

Pray for your personal part in making and maturing disciples.

Wow. I am stunned at how quickly and easily I am sidetracked from a commitment I made. In addition to praying, I want to post something every day of the 40 days of prayer about the prayer topic for that day. But today is almost gone. So many different (mostly good) things were competing for my attention. Is that Satan or just life? Or both?

And now we change subjects completely and think about my personal involvement in the mission to make disciples. Or do we? Maybe thinking about how we get distracted has a lot to do with my personal part in making and maturing disciples. It is so easy to get sidetracked from engaging with the people around me to encourage and help them become or grow as disciples of Jesus. It's not as though the things that keep me from it are all bad. They are not. A lot of them are good. Although, if I am honest about it, they do tend to be selfish. Or at least self-satisfying.

To have a heart for people beyond my little group takes focused energy and constant reminding. If I am not careful, I leave the disciplemaking up to others. (I also leave the obedience, blessing and reward to them also,) Lord, help us.

O Lord, give me a heart for disciplemaking. Help me know what my part is. Help me be obedient and faithful. Help me be fruitful. Forgive me when I leave this task completely to others. I want to help. Show me how.



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