This blog is dedicated to nurturing LifeGroups at Golf Course Road Church of Christ. Welcome to the dialogue.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

LifeGroup Training

I wanted to have you put a very important date on your calendar. We have scheduled a LifeGroup retreat for April 8-10 with John White from Denver, Colorado. John is a nationally known house church planter and small group network leader. I have spent some time with him and I am absolutely thrilled that he has agreed to be here to help train us in leading holistic small groups. He was a great blessing in my life and in my understanding of how God works in small church groups. John is currently working with DAWN (Disciple A Whole Nation) North America planting evangelistic house church networks. You can find out more about him at:

Click on John’s name and you can read several articles he has written.

I don’t know for sure what the schedule will be or where we will go, but since we haven’t had a LifeGroup leader retreat in a couple of years I want to make this one a very high priority. I will get more information to you as soon as I know it, but please go ahead and reserve that weekend for us. Grace.


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