This blog is dedicated to nurturing LifeGroups at Golf Course Road Church of Christ. Welcome to the dialogue.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

40 Days of Praying - Day 3

Pray for the integration of the new vision.

Pray that every ministry and every member will begin to view thier ministry as another opportunity to make or mature disciples of Jesus.

Eph 4:16
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

It is a powerful thought that together we individually gifted, individually called people are the body of Christ. Somehow, in spite of what we can see, God doesn't view us as many parts or many ministries but as a coherent whole with each part responding to Jesus and aware and functioning with each other.

Today I was working on how to help encourage GCR members to be a part of the Dynamic Marriage class. It is a great ministry all by itself. Couples are finding help and affirmation in their marriages. Marriages are made more healthy, couples are growing together. It is so important that the last two times we have advertized the course on the radio, dozens of people have called to sign up.

Now the hard part is finding GCR members to take the class with people who aren't a part of the church. We want to work within the LifeGroup ministry so that they can invite and integrate these outside families into a LifeGroup and into the life of the church. But how do we do that? It's not as easy as you might think. Not everyone views Dynamic Marriage and LifeGroup and Evangelism and Ministry as being connected and important to each other. It is more common for each individual ministry to do its own thing with its own goals and it own methods.

There are lots of good things that we can do individually. But it is important to God that we function together. Today we are asking God to help pull together each of the different ministries at GCR so that together we are helping people find their way to Jesus and find their way in Jesus. The church isn't a bunch of people led by a committee, it is a body led by a lord.

O God, help us. Help us get on the same page as a church. Help us all care about making and maturing disciples. Show us ways to connect what we are doing or want to do with the mission of the church to make disciples. Let us live and work together, don't let us die seperately. For the sake of Jesus we beg you. Amen.



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